Austrian Bioinformatics Workshop 2024

On July 3, we enjoyed a highly interesting and interactive Austrian Bioinformatics Workshop 2024 at the ZMF in Graz. About 170 participants were registered for this workshop, and many stayed for the 20-year anniversary celebration event of the ZMF on July 4.

We thank all presenters for inspiring oral presentations and posters, and all participants for interesting discussions and exchange. Special thanks to our keynote speaker Prof. Sven Nahnsen from the University of Tübingen, who explained the power of FAIR data in biomedical research with impressive examples and use cases. Congratulations to the winner of the ATBI poster award: Marija Durdevic from the Medical University Graz for her poster entitled "Patient-Donor signature in predicting clinical response of Faecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT)". Biggest thanks to the team of the ZMF for the wonderful workshop and hospitality!

The Austrian Bioinformatics Workshop 2024 has better connected our community between scientific fields, organizations and across the country. We look forward to the Austrian Bioinformatics Workshop 2025, for which date and location will be announced by the end of this year.